Archbishop’s Appeal Mission & Purpose
With support from all faithful, the Archbishop’s Appeal for Shared Ministries provides for the material, faith formation, and spiritual needs to God’s people across the 19 counties of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. The Archbishop’s Appeal for Shared Ministries enables all faithful to support essential resources that bring hope to many and build our mission’s future.

Pastoral Ministries
The Department for Pastoral Ministries supports the Archdiocese by providing educational, spiritual, and formational opportunities to promote the Gospel values in the local Church.
- Deanery Resource Coordinators (4)
- Pastoral Ministry Ambassadors
- Seminarians Internship Program
- Assembly
- Campus Ministry
- Deaf Ministry
- Criminal Justice Ministry
- El Camino de San Antonio Missions
- Hospital Ministry
- Lay Ministry Formation Fund
- Bereavement Training
- Marriage Convalidation Training
- Marriage Preparation Training
- Marriage Resources
- Theology of the Body Training
- World Youth Day
- Youth Family and Marriage Resources
- Youth Leadership Development
- Youth Spectacular
- Catechetical Resources
- Evangelization and Faith Formation Programs
- Catechetical Gatherings
- New Leadership Orientation
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults Workshops
- People for Disabilities Training
- Mental Health Ministry
- Textbooks for Parishes in Need
- Adult Confirmations
- Chrism Mass
- Corpus Christi
- Liturgical Ministry Trainings
- Pentecost Vigil Mass
- Rite of Election and Leadership Trainings
- Advocacy (State and Local)
- Campaign on Human Trafficking
- Faithful Citizenship Training
- Respect Life Masses
- Respect Life Holy Hour
- Theology on Tap
- Social and Young Adult Resources
- Worship on the River
- Young Adult Ambassadors & Leadership Training

Catholic Education
The Appeal supports nearly 4,000 students to follow in Christ’s footsteps. It provides them with tuition assistance to receive a Catholic education, which fosters a culture of faith, unity, and spiritual growth.
- Catholic University of America
- Hope for the Future
- Superintendent Resource Fund, Catholic schools

Catholic Communications
The Appeal supports Catholic communication resources that bring the Good News to our communities through various mediums. Thanks to Appeal donors and Catholic Communications, individuals can experience a true encounter with Christ daily.
- Catholic Television of San Antonio
- National Catholic Communication
- Today’s Catholic Newspaper

Catholic Social Services
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of San Antonio provides a comprehensive network of social services aimed at promoting and facilitating self-sufficiency. The programs offer support and opportunities that empower people and communities to grow and thrive.
- Catholic Counseling Services
- Caritas Legal Services
- Crisis Response Unit
- Guadalupe Community Center (After School and Summer Youth Program)
- Guadalupe Home
- Financial Wellness and Care Program
- Parish Outreach & Hotline
- Project Rachel
- St. Stephen’s Care Center (Food Pantry and Clothing Closet)
- Senior Services (RSVP/AAS)
- Seton Home
- St. Peter-St. Joseph Children’s Home
- Del Rio – Catholic Charities
- Mobile response unit
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance

Priestly & Diaconate
As Disciples of Christ, it is our responsibility to support those discerning the call to serve Christ in a religious life, as well as our retired clergy. Vocation Ministries provide education and formation for those studying and discerning religious life, as well as for those in formation for the permanent diaconate.
- Diaconate Program
- Office of Vocations
- Priests’ Pension Plan, Retired Priests
- San Antonio Seminarian Fund
Marking a Gift to the Appeal
There are many ways to give!
- You can GIVE ONLINE!
- You can give over the phone by calling (210) 734-1910!
- You can give with a pledge card!
You can make a one-time gift at any time during the year by check, money order, credit card, or electronic funds transfer.
You can also make recurring, monthly gifts, which helps us sustain these shared ministries that require funding all year around.
Our goal is 100% participation. Everyone is invited to discern and make a sacrificial gift. Prayers are welcome gifts to the Appeal!
Lastly, we ask that you please do not send cash contributions by mail, as this can result in theft and loss of funds. We recommend that the Parish Office sends a check for the total of cash contributions with a detailed list of donor names, mailing addresses, dates, and gift amounts.