Father Ian Robbins
Answers to your questions...from Father Ian!
Like many of you, I received the news of what happened in Uvalde, TX with great shock, anger and sadness. But I also knew that at this time, it was so important to be the Light of Christ, a sign of hope in the midst of the darkness.
As a parish, it is so important for us to pray. Pray for the victims, pray for those who grieve, pray for the communities that have been forever changed. Jesus tells us in today’s gospel that he is sending us the Holy Spirit, and it is with the Spirit that we can go out and be his witnesses: witnesses to love, to hope, to light. We also must be ready to help in any way we can, especially by donating blood. I invite you, if you are healthy and qualified, to go give blood; it will save countless lives who desperately need transfusions. Let us come together as a community to support our brothers and sisters.
Posted: 05/29/2022
Altar Servers are the most visible of our ministers, next to Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers. They are the main helpers on the altar; making sure Father has the book, the candles and cross are processed in, and serve to all of us of how we should be praying and placing ourselves in the Mass. Altar Serving is also a great way for you to discern your vocation, whether that is to priesthood, religious life or the married life.
If this sounds like something you’re interested in, contact Debbie Shows, DRE, at the Parish Office at (830) 569-3356, or by email: [email protected] for more information and to sign up for the next training session.
Posted: 05/22/2022
Sacristans are people who help set up for the Mass and make sure that everything behind the scenes runs smoothly. They are the ones who fill the candles, make sure we have enough bread and wine, make sure that we have ministers covering every position in the Mass, that the ushers have what they need for the collection, and for unlocking and locking the Church before and after Mass. They are the folks who really make sure everything runs smoothly out of sight.
If this interests you, contact Fr. Ian at (830) 569-3356, or email at [email protected].
No prior experience is required; we will train you.
Posted: 05/15/2022
Formally known as Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC), these ministers serve as ministers of the body and/or blood when there is a need for more ministers than what are ordinarily available (i.e. the priest or the deacon). These ministers are of good reputation, have been fully initiated into the Church (baptized, confirmed, received first communion), are married in the Church if they are married, and are commissioned by the pastor for a certain period of time.
If this interests you, please contact Debbie Shows at [email protected] for more information. We are in need of men and women to assist us in this ministry, and training will be provided!
Posted: 05/08/2022
Ushers and Hospitality Ministers are the women and men who greet us as we enter the Church, help us to find a seat, take up the collection, take a headcount, and say farewell to us and hand us a bulletin as we leave after Mass. They are the glue that helps the Mass to run smoothly, handling any crises that might arise, making sure the bathrooms remain clean and presentable, and cleaning and reorganizing the pews after Mass so that our Church home is presentable for the next Mass.
If this interests you, please contact Hector Uribe at 6 pm, James House at 7 am, Paul Antu at 11 am, or Jesse Mendez at 1 PM. We are in need of women and men willing to serve in this important ministry!
Posted: 05/01/2022
The Second Vatican Council, in the document Sacrosanctum Concilium, taught us that the ENTIRE church needed to be full, active and conscious participants in the liturgy (Mass, Liturgy of the Hours, etc.). As a result, the importance of the ministry of lay people (that’s all the faithful people who are not ordained ministers) takes front and center stage. By our baptism, God has called us to minister, especially at the mass.
Whether that is an Altar Server, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Usher/Hospitality Minister or Sacristan, there is a place for you to serve. Over the coming weeks, we will be detailing each of these ministries. Keep reading over the coming weeks to find out how you can get involved more at mass!
Posted: 04/24/2022
Octo is the Latin for eight, indicating that for eight days, we will be celebrating Easter each day. Beginning today, the Easter Octave lasts until next Sunday, which is also known as Divine Mercy Sunday.
The Church has special inserts into various prayers that are said during the octave, remembering especially those who were just initiated into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Besides Easter, there is also an octave following Christmas as well.
How will you celebrate Easter every day this week?
Posted: 04/17/2022
Tenebrae is known in the Church as the “Liturgy of Shadows.” In history, it is the celebration of the Liturgy of the Hours during the Easter Triduum, particularly because it causes us to reflect on the passion and death of Jesus in a deep, somber way (hence the title of “shadows”). Today, it can also be an evening of reflection upon the last hours of Jesus’ earthly life, signified by the extinguishing of six candles on a candelabra, and the hiding of the seventh, also known as the Christ-light, which is hidden as a reminder that Jesus is in the tomb.
We invite you to join us this Wednesday, April 13th, at 7:00 p.m. in the Church for a bilingual Tenebrae service as we reflect on the last hours of Jesus’ earthly life. It will be a wonderful opportunity to prepare ourselves for the celebration for the Easter Triduum.
Posted: 04/10/2022
That’s a great question. The Synod on Synodality is a two-year listening process that the Church all over the world is engaging in. The Holy Father, Pope Francis, has asked every diocese and jurisdiction to reach out to their people and ask two questions: one on how we journey together, and the other on how the Holy Spirit is asking us to improve our “journeying together.” At St. Andrew and Sacred Heart, we will be engaging in several listening sessions to provide you opportunities to give feedback to these questions. At St. Andrew, they will be:
April 3; 1:00 - 3:00 pm, Mini-Hall Classroom
April 10; 1:00 - 3:00 pm, Mini-Hall Classroom
April 24; 1:00 - 3:00 pm, Mini-Hall Classroom
At Sacred Heart, these opportunities will be announced at mass as they are scheduled. For more information, or to participate, please contact Robert Trevino, Liaison for St. Andrew at [email protected], or Karyn Tom, Liaison at Sacred Heart at [email protected].
Posted: 04/03/2022
The word Laetare is Latin for “rejoice.” In the church, Laetare Sunday is the 4th Sunday of Lent, the halfway point through Lent. We notice this in the liturgy because the priest and deacon wear rose vestments, and there are a few flowers on the altar this week, which has otherwise been empty of flowers throughout Lent. You may also notice that the music may take on a more rejoicing theme than it has since we started Lent. All of this should remind us of one thing: Easter is quickly approaching! We are signaling that it is almost time to rejoice, but there are still several weeks to go in our Lenten observances. How will you celebrate Laetare Sunday?
Posted: 03/27/2022
RCIA is an abbreviation for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, the process by which adults can convert or complete their formation as Catholics. Its not simply classes on how to be a Catholic, but is really a journey that includes spiritual, theological, liturgical and practical aspects. We as a Church most often see this process at the various rites (not rights) associated with RCIA. For example, starting this Sunday and continuing for the next two Sundays, we will be doing the Scrutinies, which are rites of preparation for the Elect (those to be baptized at the Easter Vigil this year) to prepare them to receive the graces of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. Our call is to pray for them. Make sure you include the Elect and the Candidates in your daily prayers!
Posted: 03/20/2022
Baptism is the “gateway” sacrament; no other sacraments can be received without first receiving Baptism (except in certain cases with marriage). In order to clearly show the connection between Baptism and the Most Holy Eucharist, we celebrate Baptism during the Mass. It shows us that Jesus Christ, who gives himself as food in his Body and Blood, redeems us through Baptism. Baptism during mass, however, should not happen too often, as we don’t want the Mass to be focused on baptizing all the time. This is an opportunity for us, as a community, to join together in celebrating new life in Baptism with a family, and how from Baptism we are drawn into the Eucharist, communion with our Lord (note, the word community and communion have the same root!). So, let’s pray for our young families that are preparing their children for Baptism, and that we have more young families join us!
Posted: 03/13/2022
I’m glad you asked! Lent is 40 days (not inclusive of Sundays) where the entire Church prays, does penance, and focuses on the Passion of Jesus, which we will celebrate during Holy Week. It’s a time for Catholics to focus their prayer, receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and take on different devotions, such as the Stations of the Cross, to remind us of Jesus’ sacrifice on the Cross for us! This Lent, think about what you can sacrifice or do more in your faith life. Maybe you can add 15 more minutes of prayer to your day, or spend an hour a week doing good deeds for others. Make this Lent the BEST LENT EVER!
Posted: 03/06/2022